Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bryan's Corner of the World

This first set of pics are a few of my favorites from my first trip out to West Texas with my brother and his wife. We drove from Houston to Bandera County where we rented a haunted cabin (no joke) and then made several day trips all over the Texas Hill Country. We went as far as Del Rio, TX where we parked and then walked across the Rio Grande into Acuna, Mexico. The first two pics are from Acuna. The stone structure is from the set that was used for John Wayne's "The Alamo". There's still a working movie set out there with an old west town. I think it's mostly used for music videos anymore. The 4th and 5th pics are from outside our haunted cabin in Bandera County and the last pic is an old abandoned church that we came across in the middle of nowhere. Hope you like!!

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