Friday, October 31, 2008

Sunrise Looking West

These were taken while looking west into the Louisville skyline as dawn was breaking in the east. Kinda grainy, but I had to ramp up the ISO to get the pics at all.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Concours d'Elegance Part 4


When you hold a concours in Louisville, where else would you hold it? Horses and horsepower at Churchill Downs.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Concours d'Elegance Part 3


It was 4:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning and I thought to myself, "I really don't want to get out of bed. I won't go." And wound up laying there for a few more minutes before the next thought came. "How many times do you get to see the controlled demolition of a building? Live?" The city of Louisville was demolishing the old Riverview Plaza building to make way for the new basketball arena. The building was located at the northwest corner of 2nd and Main and I set up on the top of the parking garage at the southeast corner of 1st and Main... just over a block away. I'm so glad I went. Yeah, I had to get up early on a Saturday morning. And yeah it was crowded on the top of the parking garage. But it was so very worth it. I'm also proud of this shoot because it was the first time I'd ever shot completely manually. Focus, aperture, shutter speed, ISO... all of it. And I only got one shot at it. You can't call "do over" when it comes to demolishing a building.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Concours d'Elegance Part 2

When men were men, women were women... and cars curved like women.